Civil Aviation Safety Authority
They may not be delivering pizza to us just yet, but there are an increasing number of aviation enthusiasts flying drones in our skies. As such, the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) want Australians to get familiar with the rules and regulations, so that we can all help keep the fun in flying.
The brief
The number of Australians flying recreational drones is on the rise. To help keep the skies safe and enjoyable for everyone, CASA commissioned Carbon to develop an ad campaign to increase awareness about drone safety rules and regulations.
The good
Learning rules and regulations is obviously important, but not what most people would consider ‘fun’. Our approach, therefore, was to make learning about drone safety rules and regulations less of a chore and more of a challenge by creating a fun and interactive True or False online quiz to test people’s knowledge. This was matched with an educational-but-entertaining animation and television commercial that helped to inform and pique people’s interest.
The impact
Know Your Drone has been successfully rolled out in two phases, with a third phase soon to begin. Post campaign research has confirmed high recall amongst our target group, with 54% of drone owners and 35% of intended drone owners recognising the campaign. Engagement was also strong with 73% (680,000 clicks) of drone owners visiting the Know Your Drone website to look up the rules or take the safety quiz with general awareness of rules and regulations recorded at 66%. Importantly, 7 in 10 drone owners agreed CASA are a trusted authority administering drone safety in Australia.

Captured from in the air and on the ground, photography showed
everyday drone users having fun taking safely to the skies.

Captured from in the air and on the ground, photography showed
everyday drone users having fun taking safely to the skies.

A range of eye-catching collateral was designed to entice drone
users to find out more.

A range of eye-catching collateral was designed to entice drone
users to find out more.